We Live On

                        We are living our future past lives now!                        

   We Are Living Our Future 

   Past Lives Now !

What I've Discovered

Through the years with my experiences with loved ones and friends returning after death, and numerous other experiences, including some that I would call divine intervention as described in my books The Death Transition  and Encounters With The Other Side,  and the stories of over 40 volunteers who have participated in past-life regressions, some of which appear in my book Journey Back  and my Journey Back podcasts, I have discovered a lot of information about life and our existence.  Here are a few things that I have discovered.

  • At death we still exists even when our bodies die.
  • We have “lived” and “died” more times than we can remember
  • We have lived lives as different races
  • We have lived lives as men and lives as women
  • We have lived lives in many different regions of the world

We need to change our views on life. We are not here simply because of a few moments of passion between our parents. There is more to us. We are born into this world with a purpose and with goals.

To some it may be a new concept to think that we have goals beyond the ones that we create in life. That we have goals, that were formed before birth and that we have brought with us. When we truly realize this then the awareness of who we are as individuals and as a society expands beyond our present beliefs, limitations and prejudices.

We are never ending spiritual beings. We have lived and died more times than we presently remember. The person that we think we are at this particular second is only a fraction of who we are as a complete soul or entity.

Because we have lived lives as both male and female, our whole belief in the divide of the sexes and our corresponding prejudices are wrong and counterproductive to our existence as a whole. We are setting up systems of prejudice that we ourselves will have to live within when we live a life within the class that these prejudices pertain to.

We also live lives in many regions and cultures of the world. We speak other languages, have other customs, and have other beliefs that we may find foreign in our present life. Again our prejudices and hatred against other cultures will have repercussions in our own future lives when we live within those cultures in the future.

If we would put this understanding into action, our world would be a different world, because we would finally understand our interaction and our experiences as a multi-cultural, multi-race and male-female individual. We would see our existence upon this planet in a totally different way and from a different perspective. All of the problems in the world stem from a misunderstanding of our existence.

I’ve had a few people tell me that the information above is against their religious beliefs. In fact, the realization the we live many lives, that we have been both sexes, all races and lived everywhere in the world is actually an expansion of spirituality and understanding of God, or whatever name you would like to use. You also, don’t have to be spiritual at all, because everything still happens in your life.

Join my mailing list, listen to my podcasts, buy my books and lets explore this information together and help to evolve the world into a new realm of understanding. Join me.

It’s a new dawn of understanding.

Let me help you to understand the true essence of your existence. You do truly live on!

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